Welcome to Macarthur Gardens North

A benchmark mixed-use community close to nature


Earthworks are near complete and civil works and landscaping are underway. Works will be delivered in phases to minimise impacts.

Construction hours will be 7am-6pm Monday to Friday, 8am–5pm Saturdays, with no work Sundays or public holidays.

During some construction periods, pedestrian access through the project site between Goldsmith Avenue and Macarthur Station will change or be temporarily impacted. When it is not possible to provide pedestrian access during construction, we plan to provide a shuttle bus service. We will continue to provide information as construction progresses. 

Goldsmith Avenue

Major road works on Goldsmith Avenue are now complete. However, ongoing minor works on Goldsmith Avenue will be undertaken over the coming months, including building new footpaths, laying asphalt at the new intersections and line-marking. For safety reasons these minor works will require us to implement short term partial lane closures.

These works will largely occur outside of peak traffic times to minimise traffic disruptions, however, there may be a need to occasionally work outside of these hours for safety reasons. 

Upcoming construction program

Phase and work activities Potential timing and duration Pedestrian pathway access (between Goldsmith Avenue and Macarthur Station)
Phase 1A – bulk earthworks to level and stabilise the site.
Works involve:
•    excavating and transporting soil via Goldsmith Avenue 
•    filling and compacting soil to level and stabilise the 
•    equipment and machinery used for these works include rollers, excavators, and dump trucks.
Near complete
Construction hours: 
•    Mondays to Fridays, 7am to 6pm 
•    Saturdays, 8am to 5pm
•    No work on Sundays and public holidays
Pedestrian pathway access will remain open for the majority of these works.
Phase 1B – civil works to build roads and install utilities, as well as construct the new fitness park and central park.
Works involve:
•    completing any filling and compaction of soil on site
•    installing electrical, wastewater and water infrastructure
•    building four new intersections along Goldsmith Avenue to connect to new local streets,
•    relocating a pedestrian crossing and removing portions of the median strip
•    building the fitness park and central park.
Start mid-2024
Approximately 10 months
Construction hours: 
•    Mondays to Fridays, 7am to 6pm 
•    Saturdays, 8am to 5pm
•    No work on Sundays and public holidays
Pedestrian pathway access is likely to be impacted for periods during this stage. 
Phase 2 – works to replace the existing footbridge to meet current standards and construct the station arrival plaza.
Further information will be provided prior to this work 

Start mid-late 2025

Approximately 12 months, pending weather and approvals
Pedestrian pathway access is likely to be impacted for periods during this stage. 
Phase 3 – new buildings built by future development partners.
We will provide an update about what is involved when we start detailed planning of this phase.
From 2025 Pedestrian pathway access will remain open.


The project

Landcom is delivering a new sustainable, walkable and connected neighbourhood at Macarthur Gardens North, conveniently located in Sydney’s southwest.

Featuring diverse housing to accommodate a wide range of people, plus a vibrant new station arrival plaza and amenities, as well as walking and cycling paths, and swift access to public transport, Macarthur Gardens North has everything within easy reach.

To ensure there’s a close connection to nature, the development will also preserve and enhance the native bushland along Bow Bowing Creek.

The project includes:

  • approximately 1,250 homes including studio, 1-, 2-, and 3-bedroom apartments, in buildings up to nine storeys high
  • at least 10% Affordable Rental Housing
  • improved connections to Macarthur Station, Western Sydney University and TAFE
  • a station arrival plaza with amenities, and a playground
  • retention of more than seven hectares of Cumberland Plain Woodland and River Flat Eucalypt Forest, creating over 53% of tree canopy cover
  • a central park, fitness park and pedestrian walkway connecting to the surrounding Macarthur Heights community, Western Sydney University and TAFE
  • a shared cycle and walking path alongside Bow Bowing Creek, connected to Gilchrist Oval and new sportsfields.
MGN video

Gilchrist Drive, Campbelltown, adjacent to Western Sydney University and TAFE NSW

Local council area

Campbelltown City Council

Project area

18.5 hectares

Macarthur Gardens North creek corridor artist impression reduced

Macarthur Gardens North will be a model of best-practice design and sustainability.

The development has been independently certified as a 5 Star Green Star community by the Green Building Council of Australia – the peak national organisation for third-party sustainability certification.

The proposal includes:

  • open space along Bow Bowing Creek
  • retention of the creek and enhancement of its biodiversity
  • retention of the River Flat Eucalypt Forest and Cumberland Plain Woodland, which are both threatened species.
Macarthur Gardens North masterplan

Macarthur Gardens North will be a connected, walkable community. 

The adjacent Macarthur Station provides easy connections to the airport and Sydney CBD, while a nearby bus interchange provides regular services to the local area. New pedestrian and cycle paths connecting to Western Sydney University, TAFE and Macarthur Station, will allow residents to leave the car at home, and to walk or cycle to nearby amenities. 

The development will include new local streets, with appropriate parking for the proposed residential buildings. The concept plan includes:

  • over 500 bicycle parking spaces
  • over 1,100 private car parking spaces
  • around 21 public car parking spaces. 

Transport modelling shows that local roads and intersections can accommodate additional trips generated by the development.


Macarthur Gardens North station precinct artist impression

Feedback provided by the community has informed plans for Macarthur Gardens North, including:

  • an increase to the area of protected ecologically sensitive bushland and the natural creek
  • addition of pedestrian walkways from Macarthur Station through the site to Macarthur Heights, Western Sydney University and TAFE
  • development of a public plaza (pictured) which connects to Macarthur Station via a new accessible footbridge and features a playground, cafés and shops
  • creation of open spaces for sport, leisure and relaxation.


  • Apartment buildings anticipated to be completed in stages by private developers
  • Civil and landscaping works anticipated to be completed.
  • Earthworks anticipated to begin, pending approvals, followed by civil works and landscaping (October / November)
  • Community consultation about plans for new public spaces (early to mid-2023)
  • Development application assessed by the Sydney Western City Planning Panel (December 2022)
  • New development application submitted to Campbelltown City Council (2021)
  • Two development applications withdrawn due to changes in the Local Environmental Plan (2021)
  • Two development applications for Macarthur Gardens North submitted to Campbelltown City Council (2020)


Macarthur Gardens North

Landcom is seeking to modify the approved concept masterplan for Macarthur Gardens North to allow us to deliver more homes and affordable housing in Campbelltown and help meet the significant housing demand in southwest Sydney.

What changes are proposed?

- Around 310 additional apartments, bringing the total number of apartments to approximately 1,560.
- Increase building heights to varied heights between 32 and 85 metres across the site.
- Some of the buildings lots will remain as 32 metres in height along the lower building heights close to Goldsmith Avenue.
- No changes are proposed to the approved development footprint, road layout, building setbacks or open space provisions.

Why are changes proposed?

The proposed changes aim to:

- optimise the site’s location close to public transport, employment, community services and shops
- provide much-needed additional housing within one of the fastest growing areas in Sydney
- increase housing choices with a range of apartments sizes
- increase the amount of Affordable Housing available at Macarthur Gardens North.

Landcom will submit two planning applications:

- Planning Proposal will be lodged with the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure seeking to amend the Campbelltown Local Environment Plan 2015. This will enable the delivery of varied building heights proposed ranging from 32 metres to 62 metres, and a single landmark building of up 85 metres located at the Railway Plaza.

- A new concept masterplan Development Application will be lodged with Campbelltown City Council for the mixed use development, with new building heights to accommodate approximately 1,560 apartments, of which at least 10% will be allocated as affordable housing.

Landcom received approval for the Macarthur Gardens North masterplan (pictured below) in December 2022. The development will include parks and open spaces, and approximately 1,250 apartments, including studio, 1-, 2-, and 3-bedroom apartments, in buildings up to nine storeys high, and has provision for at least 10% Affordable Rental Housing.

In mid-2020, we submitted two development applications that included 56 terrace homes, as well as apartments, open space and other mixed-use areas.

Both applications were withdrawn due to changes to the Campbelltown Local Environmental Plan, which meant terraces were no longer permissible on site.

In December 2021, we submitted a new application and masterplan for Macarthur Gardens North which was approved by the Sydney Western City Planning Panel in December 2022.

Construction is anticipated to start in September or October 2023, with works delivered in phases to minimise impacts on the community.

To keep informed about Macarthur Gardens North, please complete the Stay in touch panel to receive email updates on the planning process, construction timing, and any updates about sales. We will also regularly update our project webpage.

Construction is anticipated to start towards the end of 2023, with works delivered in phases to minimise impacts on the community.

Construction hours will be 7am-6pm Monday to Friday, 8am–5pm Saturdays, with no work Sundays or public holidays.

During some construction periods, pedestrian access through the project site between Goldsmith Avenue and Macarthur Station will change or be temporarily impacted. When it is not possible to provide pedestrian access during construction, we plan to provide a shuttle bus service. We will continue to provide information as our construction program is finalised.

The table below shows the indicative timing and duration of the different construction phases. This timing is indicative only and subject to approvals and weather.


Potential timing and duration of works

Pedestrian access

Phase 1A – bulk earthworks to level and stabilise the site.

Start September/October 2023

Approximately 4 months

Access will remain open for the majority of these works.

Phase 1B – civil works to build roads and install utilities, as well as construct the new fitness park and central park.

Start early 2024

Approximately 10 months

Access is likely to be impacted for periods during this stage. 

Phase 2 – works to replace the existing footbridge to meet current standards, and construct the station arrival plaza.

Start mid-late 2025

Approximately 12 months

Access is likely to be impacted for periods during this stage. 

Phase 3 – new buildings built by future development partners.

From 2025

Access will remain open.


A Principal Contractor has been appointed to oversee construction and has prepared a Construction Management Plan to identify the impacts of construction, including noise, dust and traffic, and how these impacts will be managed.

We will continue to share updates about project planning and construction, including ways that we will limit any impacts from works.

For the majority of works, we will maintain pedestrian access through our site between Macarthur Station and Goldsmith Avenue. For construction periods when it is not possible to provide safe pedestrian access, we plan to provide a shuttle bus service that connects Goldsmith Avenue and Macarthur Square/Macarthur Station.

The frequency and timing of the shuttle bus service will be informed by pedestrian counts and community feedback received through the online survey we ran from August to September this year. There were 243 people who completed the survey and responses indicate that most people use the pedestrian route 1-2 times a day, and most often between the hours of 8am-10am and 4pm-6pm.

Once Macarthur Gardens North construction is finished, the visitor and commuter experience for those accessing or departing Macarthur Station will be significantly improved.

We will deliver a new footbridge that better meets current accessibility requirements, providing easier access to Macarthur Station for pedestrians and cyclists. The existing footbridge gradient is too steep and can be challenging for people with access needs or mobility impairments, as well as those pushing prams or a bicycle.

The new footbridge will link Macarthur Station with a vibrant civic plaza with local shops, a playground, water play facilities and other amenities.

Landcom will continue to consult key stakeholders including Sydney Trains, Western Sydney University and TAFE NSW about our construction plans, and will also keep residents informed of construction works and any temporary detours.

The temporary car park on Goldsmith Avenue is located within the Macarthur Gardens North development site. It will be closed permanently on Wednesday 1 November so that the site can be developed.

This space was made accessible as an overflow space for WSU staff and students until plans for future development at Macarthur gardens North were finalised. It was never intended as a commuter carpark.

There is free, all-day commuter car parking for 420 cars in the Tailby Street car park near Macarthur Square. This car park has space to meet demand for commuter car parking in the local area.


 Community meetings

We hosted community meetings on 25 and 29 July 2023 to provide an overview of the Macarthur Gardens North project, our plans to phase construction and how we plan to manage pedestrian access through the project site during construction. 

Proposed play and fitness spaces

In April 2023, we hosted three pop-up stalls and an online survey for the community to give feedback that will shape plans for new play and fitness spaces at Macarthur Gardens North.

Around 170 people visited a pop-up stall to ask questions and provide feedback, including around 50 children, and around 60 people completed an online survey. We heard from a wide range of community members, including parents, children, grandparents and students.

We heard the following options for fitness and play were preferred:

  • Unstructured water play, including platforms, jets and sprays, as well as wall seating, received 46% of survey votes and 36% of children’s votes.
  • Swings received 47% of children’s votes.
  • Tunnels and bridges, including equipment for crawling through and balancing on top, received 37% of children’s votes and 39% of survey votes.
  • Platforms and slides received 57% of survey votes and 60% of children’s votes.
  • Basketball and futsul/soccer facilities received almost the same number of votes, with basketball receiving 58% of survey votes and futsul/soccer receiving 54% of survey votes.
  • Outdoor gym equipment received 64% of survey votes.

Other feedback we received included support for green space, shade and seating, a dog park and skate park, lighting and safety, public art, parking for cars and bicycles, barbeque facilities, accessible equipment, and equipment that is complementary to that found in other nearby parks.

To learn more about our consultation and the feedback we received, view the engagement report. Feedback is informing our detailed designs of play and fitness spaces, which will be submitted to Campbelltown City Council for approval before we can start construction of the new play and fitness spaces as part of our broader Macarthur Gardens North construction program. We anticipate that these works will take between 14-16 months to complete.

Masterplan consultation

In 2019 and 2020, Landcom consulted local residents and other key stakeholders, including Campbelltown City Council and Western Sydney University to inform our project planning. Key feedback themes related to consideration of current and future traffic conditions in project planning, the opportunity for a more direct walking path through the site to Macarthur Station, requests for lower building heights, and feedback about providing a range of housing options to meet the needs of students, young professionals, families, seniors and downsizers. 

You can review our response to feedback in our engagement outcomes report.

Landcom intends to sell superlots to private developers to deliver the apartment buildings. Pending the timing of superlot sales, design and approvals, we anticipate that apartments may be available for purchase from mid-2027.

In the meantime, please complete the Stay in touch panel to receive email updates on the planning process, construction timing, and any updates about sales. We will also regularly update our project webpage.

Apartment costs are typically subject to market demand, however, these will be set by the developer of the apartments at that time. The masterplan for Macarthur Gardens North has provided for a range of apartment options, such as 1, 2, 3 bedrooms, that will have different price points. The masterplan also includes 10% Affordable Rental Housing, which will be owned and managed by a third party such as a not-for-profit community housing provider.


To keep informed about Macarthur Gardens North, please complete the Stay in touch panel to receive email updates on the planning process, construction timing, and any updates about sales. We will also regularly update our project webpage.

If you would like to speak to a Landcom team member, please email macgardensnorth@landcom.nsw.gov.au or call 1800 411 717.


Document Download
Project newsletter (December 2024)
Community engagement outcomes report (October 2024) - more homes proposed
Information boards - more homes proposal
Project newsletter (August 2024)
View more

If you require the services of an interpreter, please contact the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask them to call Landcom on 02 9841 8600. The interpreter will then assist you with the translation.

About Landcom

We develop land and property, increasing the supply of housing for the people of NSW.

As a state-owned corporation, we are a commercial business that achieves public outcomes while also generating financial returns for the NSW Government. We enable development by de-risking and unlocking strategic and complex sites in collaboration with landowners and the market.

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