Current as at: 12 September 2024
Park construction
Wentworth Point is a former industrial site which has presented complex challenges, including remediating and capping around two hectares of contaminated land, rebuilding the seawall, and major underground electrical cabling. These works, in addition to seeking approval for necessary changes to project plans, have impacted the delivery of the park and mixed-use development on site.
Works in 2023 included site remediation and initial earthworks.
In March 2024 we commenced our Saltmarsh restoration program, and in June we planted 15,000 Saltmarsh plants to support their survival as an endangered ecological community. The Saltmarsh regeneration will preserve biodiversity, protect the riverbank, sequester carbon, improve water quality, and support fisheries.
In May 2024 we received approval from the Central Sydney Planning Panel to modify the existing development approval, enabling works on the peninsula park and shared open space to move forward.
Timing for the park construction is subject to government and statutory planning approvals. The community will be kept up to date as planning progresses. The latest media release issued by the Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning, and the Minister for Planning can be read here.
We apologise for the additional delay and are working to deliver the new park as efficiently as possible. We greatly appreciate the community’s ongoing patience and understanding.
Mixed-use development
We have updated mixed-use development plans for a smaller part of the Wentworth Point peninsula to what was previously approved.
We have sought to balance previous community and stakeholder feedback with planning considerations including the site context and constraints, housing and sustainability targets, and feasibility. The mixed-use development is a key component of the precinct, providing much-needed homes and supporting the delivery of a high-quality neighbourhood park.
The community was invited to share feedback on our updated plans between Wednesday 21 August and Wednesday 11 September 2024. Feedback is being reviewed alongside findings of technical studies, regulatory requirements and feasibility considerations to inform the State Significant Development Application.
Visit our Join In consultation page to learn more.