NEW DATE: Lake Thomson - Planting day

Calling all green thumbs to a community planting day

Landcom is hosting a free community planting event, providing local residents a chance to help nurture a local ecosystem as part of the work to revegetate land at Lake Thomson.


When: Saturday 13 April, any time between 10am-12pm


(This event has been rescheduled to 13 April due to wet weather conditions on the 6 April)


Where: Lake Thomson, entry via Poulton Terrace


Macarthur Heights residents are invited to attend a community planting day and do their bit towards greening the area.


A fun outdoor family activity and a great way to meet other local people!


Food and drinks are available.


Register your details below.

To help us plan for the day, please register for the event

*The event will be cancelled if there is heavy rain. Watch out for an email leading up to the day for updates.

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