Feedback form

1. Did the information in the virtual engagement room help you understand what affordable housing is?
2. Did the virtual engagement room help you understand why we need more affordable housing?
3. Do you think the Lachlan’s Line precinct would benefit from more affordable housing?

About the virtual engagement room

Information was easy to read and understand

Information was relevant to me

I trust community feedback will be accurately reported

I believe community feedback will be meaningfully considered

The virtual engagement room is a good way to share information and gather feedback

Our aim is to engage broadly. Your answers will help us understand who has participated today and help us identify who is interested and who we need to engage as the project progresses.

I am (please select)
I am (please select)
Which scenario best describes your current household structure?

Stay informed

If you would like to receive email updates about the project as planning progresses, please complete the form. 

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